The Project
Project Description
The gap between the education and employment widens, and the magnitude of change in the unemployment rates varies by youth educational attainment. While bound up with the legacy of the economic crisis, the spill-over costs of the social failure in providing quality education, decent employment and social protection, could cause serious burden on the European society.
The increased number of graduating students with formally recognized qualifications but poor opportunities for professional realization in their field of competences has created a high percentage of unemployed young people.
Nowdays, skills deficit and mismatch is perhaps one of the most popular explanations towards debates on problems of youth professional development and their integration as active society members. This is why, the project “League for Youth Entrepreneurship” aims at building competitive knowledge-based societes, through the development of young people’s entrepreneurial potential and creativity competencies. The project intends to offer a valuable solution against youth unemployment by creating specific paths for enhancing such abilities and building up for youths’ entrepreneurial mindsets and capacities.
The project will encourage cross-sectorial partnership and cooperation at international level, by linking the insonal environment of NGOs with educational institutions and other types of educational providers, in view of operating quality improvements in the fields of education, training and youth.
The following project objectives have been specified in view of bringing positive solutions to the described situation:
To promote entrepreneurial ideas through extra-curricular activities and courses in view of increasing innovation capacity and opportunistic mindset of potential youth entrepreneurs.
To embed innovative approach towards entrepreneurship in the field of education through mainstreaming the development of entrepreneurial awareness and behavior.
To encourage youth to take part in entrepreneurial education in view of developing such mindsets and stimulate them to better engage in entrepreneurial actions.
To enhance innovative and market-oriented entrepreneurial spirit among young people.
To demonstrate the benefits of multidisciplinary and multi-professional educational approaches by the development of “Training guide on entrepreneurial leadership, management and youth entrepreneurship”.
To encourage the development of a multilevel cross-sectorial system that concretely fosters entrepreneurial learning through other than formal educational means and especially through direct involvement in entrepreneurial activitiestituti.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them 2021-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000029030