The Young Entrepreneurs Guild
About the Project
The gap between the education and employment widens, and the magnitude of change in the unemployment rates varies by youth educational attainment. Spill-over costs of the social failure in providing quality education, decent employment and social protection could cause serious burden on the European society. The increased number of graduating students with formally recognized qualifications but poor opportunities for professional realization in their field of competences has created a high percentage of unemployed young people.
The project aims to provide a valuable solution to youth unemployment by developing specialized pathways for increasing such abilities and developing young people’s entrepreneurial mindsets and capacities.
Project Results
Project Result 01: Training Module on entrepreneurial leadership
This output will be delivered in order to help and support the edition of training guide on youth entrepreneurship (PR2), as well the preparation of the Guild Entrepreneurship online platform (PR3). The content of the newly created training module on entrepreneurial leadership, management and entrepreneurship education.
Project Result 02: Training Guide on youth entrepreneurship
The 2nd result that the project has planned to create is a Training Guide on youth entrepreneurship. The training guide will be presented under a form of publication/manual which will be freely available for download out of the online Guild Entrepreneurship platform that the project will further create.
Project Result 03: Online Guild Entrepreneurship Platform
The 3rd project output will be presented as an online Guild Entrepreneurship platform integrating the other 2 project outputs as content, providing information on the state of art of youth entrepreneurship in Europe.
The Partnership

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them 2021-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000029030